Hi everyone,
There’s nothing more exciting than the anticipation of ski season, including the sight of snow-covered peaks and the build-up for opening day. We know the anticipation is real—with everyone itching to get outside and on the mountain. Trust us, we’re just as eager to welcome you back! But for now, we’re asking for a little more patience as we let Mother Nature do her thing to ensure the mountain is ready.
At Stevens Pass, the top of the mountain has excellent snow conditions right now. The lower mountain, however, is a different story and needs more coverage to safely open terrain. Early season snow also brought rain to lower elevations, and it needs some more time to catch up. Creek crossings and varied terrain remain a challenge.
While we have limited snowmaking at Stevens, temperatures have dropped and we are making snow when we can. Looking ahead, the next few days will bring both snow and colder temps, which is great for the mountain. We’re monitoring conditions around the clock and will keep you posted on our timeline for opening day.
We will have more updates to come to keep you informed about the season ahead. Thanks for your patience and think snow!
See you soon,