At Stevens Pass, we work hard and play hard, and this summer was no exception. While preparing runs and overhauling lifts, we set our sights on improving the arrival experience to ensure a safe, smooth transition to the hill for all of our guests.
There are peak times when traffic on the highway combines with heavy snowfall to make traveling to our resort a challenge. We know that weekends and holidays require our guests to work the logistics to rally gear, friends, and family in the early morning hours for a taste of pure PNW powder, so two years ago, we made a Commitment to Parking Improvement. As we consider your safety, and address the continuing challenges from COVID-19, we are building on this approach for Winter 2021-22. We have worked to reduce our environmental footprint, take vehicles off the highway, and ensure a better day for every skier and rider—while keeping all lots free.
What’s Changed?
To reduce vehicles on the road, and harmful environmental emissions, we are incentivizing our guests to rideshare by placing a Carpool Only restriction on premium parking, expanding our Carpool Only lots. On weekends and busy holidays, guests must have 3+ people per vehicle to access lettered lots A-G from opening to 12:30pm.
A shuttle is now available for a $30 roundtrip from Monroe every weekend and holiday.

Here’s how this changes your skiing or snowboarding options:
1) Ski in the light of the night
Consider starting at 1pm. On a solid powder weekend, aim for a midday start. When it’s going to snow all day, you can enjoy a full resort of powder for the afternoon, then stay on for a bright white ski or ride under the stars. Choosing a midday start just one or two weekends of the season helps significantly reduce traffic – and Stevens Pass offers night skiing Wednesday through Sunday.
2) Commute safely with family and friends
Pair up with 3+ COVID-safe friends and family members to park in the premium lettered lots A-G. Enjoy priority access for doing your part to help reduce congestion and save emissions. And, as a reminder, parking remains free of charge. The same carpool-only rules apply for those accessing the backcountry.
3) Head for satellite parking
Parking in the lower numbered lots at the summit will remain open with offsite parking in Yodelin and the Stevens Pass Nordic Center, one mile and five miles down the highway, respectively. Those who do not carpool can walk to the hill from the lower numbered lots or take a free shuttle from our offsite parking, available until 5:30pm. Please be aware this option is expected to fill on busy mornings.
4) Let someone else do the driving
Sit back and relax on your way to the resort. Guests coming from the west side can pre-book a shuttle from Monroe for $15 per person, each way, on weekends and holidays. Book your Monroe shuttle service here.
Depart Monroe 7:30am – Arrive Stevens Pass 8:30am
Depart Stevens Pass 2:00pm – Arrive Monroe 3:00pm
Depart Monroe 11:30am – Arrive Stevens Pass 12:30pm
Depart Stevens Pass 6:00pm – Arrive Monroe 7:00pm

When you arrive on site, you will see physical improvements to our summit parking spots. We have removed rocks and trees, resurfaced areas, and done the grading work to improve our drainage. We also looked at how our guests get from home to the hill and concluded each guest needs a plan.
We’d like to say a huge thank you in advance – your support for our commitment to reducing the number of vehicles on the road, and sharing our hill as a community, is deeply appreciated. These simple changes will ensure a safer, greener season for all Stevens Pass guests.
To learn more about these changes, please visit the Getting Here & Parking section of our website.