Hi everyone,
We received 17” of snow between Tuesday and Wednesday morning, which made for an awesome powder day. It was great to welcome winter back – and it also generated some challenges that we did not manage well. Teams prepped on Tuesday for an on-time opening Wednesday morning. While the lifts were all spinning on time, we were behind in our parking lots. Our snow removal team worked through the night to clear lots A, B, E, C, D, G, 3 and 4, but were still clearing lots 1 and 2 when we needed the spaces. We are also aware that there was an issue with incorrect signage on Hwy 2. Could we have prepared better? Yes. Was this acceptable? No. Our snow removal team didn’t stop until 1 & 2 were done and I personally managed that inflow until the lower lots were filled. I appreciate that many of you were patient while our team finished up, but this was not ok. There are very concrete things we will do differently to better support our snow removal team in our next storm cycle.
On the upside, our groomers were happy to have some new snow to work with overnight and into this morning. This snow brought a good amount of moisture to lower elevation areas, which only helps with our base and snow conditions on the trails we groom more regularly. The team was also pumped to have been able to hit Crest Trail this morning.
As a reminder, we announced last week that access to night skiing and riding now starts an hour earlier at 3pm, Wednesdays through Sundays. We have lots of capacity to welcome guests later in the day and we’ll continue to remind guests to arrive before 9am or after 1pm, especially on holidays, weekends, and pow days.