Hi everyone,

It will be another sunny day at the Pass, and we’ll have a few more days of clear skies before this high-pressure system moves on– hopefully making way for some fresh snow to return to the mountain. In the meantime, we appreciate the feedback on grooming this season. Our team of operators and the mechanics who keep everything running smoothly have been crushing it this winter. Orion was groomed for last weekend, and it skied great. These are just two of the many hardworking teams who dedicate themselves year-round to the mountain, and I want to take a moment to acknowledge their work on display while we have a break in the weather.

I also need to call out that recent warming/cooling patterns are impacting the snow surface in the Double Diamond/Southern Cross regions of the mountain. We will continue to assess conditions every day, but there is a possibility we will not open the terrain serviced by DD/SC over the next few days. We will continue to groom terrain on the backside, concentrating our efforts around the Jupiter lift and frontside groomer favorites. We recommend sticking to groomed runs for the best experience until we get that much-anticipated refresh of snow.

In other exciting news, we’ve been keeping the Pika carpet open for night skiing the past couple of weekends and all of last week. The carpet has been getting a lot of use, and we are committed to keeping it running for the rest of night operations until 9pm. Nights remain a big part of the winter mountain experience at Stevens Pass – with school groups on Wednesdays and Fridays, Dew After Dark + College Nights on Thursdays, plus regular weekend fun under the lights. And mark your calendars, because the next rope tow rail sessions will be February 13th and 14th. Grab your sweetheart and head to the Pass!

It should be lovely weather with bluebird skies and beautiful scenery up here this weekend– we can’t wait to see you.

Think snow!
