First, I want to wish everyone a happy New Year. This is a special one for us at Stevens Pass as we celebrate our 85th anniversary in the spring – more to come on that soon.
The last four days brought a mix of highs and lows. As we shared before the season kicked off, we are limiting lift tickets every day to preserve the guest experience – especially knowing that our parking lots reach capacity during peak periods. I want everyone to have a great experience at Stevens Pass, and that wasn’t the case for all of our guests on Friday and Monday. I joined our team in the parking lots to help direct traffic and witnessed firsthand how frustrated and disappointed some of you were after we parked out, especially those with lesson reservations and no drop-off. We never want to turn anyone away, and for those of you who parked in our satellite lots, I know the wait times were long on Monday, which was not ok.
With the resort fully staffed and mountain operations in full swing, my focus is on parking. I learned a lot after spending three of the last four days with our parking team this weekend, and we’re actively working on improvements. We’ve identified a few immediate steps we can take in terms of both our continued refinement of when and how to leverage our lift ticket limitations and how to manage drop-off when we don’t get it right. We piloted a new drop-off approach on Monday, and while it wasn’t perfect, it’s something we’re going to expand further.
Actions speak louder than words, and we look forward to sharing more details about how parking will be different next weekend with you shortly.
More to come,