Hi everyone,
This is going to be a different kind of blog. It’s something we’ve been working on for a long time, and we’ve been balancing the need to take immediate action to support our staff with the recognition that we’re not perfect and have to be a humble, honest part of the conversation too.
I want to thank the vast majority of our guests who are considerate, kind, and respectful of our employees. Our team works hard every day to provide a fun, welcoming experience for everyone on our mountain. I’ve seen this community unite before, which is why I want to share that a pattern of unacceptable behavior has emerged from a small number of guests. These guests have been targeting certain employees with degrading names, sexist comments, and even racist remarks. Everyone at Stevens Pass deserves respect – this behavior is totally unacceptable and needs to stop.
We have a system in place to handle these situations and our team responds as quickly as possible when an issue arises, but we are asking for your support in furthering a mountain culture of inclusivity and accountability. If a guest is caught engaging in this type of unacceptable behavior, we will restrict their access for various periods of time – or we won’t welcome them back to Stevens Pass. If you see a guest acting in a way that goes against what we stand for, please speak up and/or alert security. If someone in your party cannot keep it together, call it a day and come back without them next time.
Accountability goes both ways. If any of our guests ever feel unwelcome or excluded at our mountain, please bring the issue to our attention by alerting security who can elevate the issue. If you have concerns, you can always reach us at spguestservice@vailresorts.com.
We all want Stevens Pass to be a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. That means everyone that comes to Stevens Pass feels seen, heard, and welcome. Cultivating this culture of belonging is an ongoing effort – and one that we can’t do alone. On behalf of the whole team here, we’re grateful for your understanding and support.
– Ellen