Hello, everyone!
I hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend – I sure am! It’s so awesome to see everyone enjoying the backside of the mountain, taking their first turns of the season on those runs. I know so many of you have been anxiously awaiting this, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I have two important messages for today:
· We’ve heard you – and we agree – extending the season is our plan, snow conditions permitting. We won’t put an exact date on this just yet, but I’m really happy to share this news. More to come.
· As mentioned when “Fortune Telling” initially launched, we’ve reached a good point of progress here on the mountain. Because of that, I’ll be moving from posting daily to doing so several times each week, or as needed. I’ll keep sharing things through my point-of-view, along with ongoing progress (or setbacks) with everything up at Stevens Pass.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and make sure to tag us in your photos on Facebook + Instagram!